Social MDP


Comparison of our model with baselines

Goal Social MDP (ours) Inverse Planning Cue-based
Social Goal 0.83 0.76 0.19
Physical 0.74 0.64 0.06

The coefficient of correlation with 95% confidence interval between human and machine judgements for all the 98 experiment scenarios (each scenario has agents having either the same or different physical goals along with one of 7 different scaling factors on each of their social goals (-2, -1, -0.5, 0, 0.5, 1, 2). We provide two baselines (cue-based model and the inverse planning model) and our own approach. Social MDPs produce better alignment with ground truth than other models and do not require training like the cue-based model.

Comparison of Physical and Social goal weights between human estimates and our model

Twelve human subjects, and our model, the Social MDP, watched and scored 196 videos at different snapshots. These videos consist of the 98 scenarios where robots reason at either level 1 or level 2 (presented to the users in randomized order). (left) Models and humans were asked to predict how social the agents were and the valence of the interaction (was it positive or negative). Non-social settings have a weight of 0, while adversarial settings have a social weight of -2, overwhelming the Physical: *any agent. Humans and machines predict similar social goals both in terms of value and magnitude. (right) Models and humans were asked to predict a weight factor on the physical goal, how much does this agent care about its physical goal. At 0, the physical goal is ignored. At 1, it is weighted equally with a social goal also set at 1. Human and model scores are again highly correlated. Our model is able to effectively generate trajectories that humans recognize as being social interactions. It is also able to predict the type of social interaction that humans believe occurred.

Results for each experiment scenario

For each of the experiment scenario we show the Yellow robot’s estimation of the physical ;Social: the red robot at each time step using Social MDP. The lines in red are Human scores, in blue is our Social MDP scores, in green is Inverse planning, in purple is the cue-based model, and **in dotted is the ground truth.

Experiment Result for Scenario 1

Red robot's goals      Physical: Flower; Social: -2
Yellow robot's goals  Physical: Tree; Social: -2

Physical goal estimation
(Level 1)
Social goal estimation
(Level 2)

Experiment Result for Scenario 2

Red robot's goals      Physical: Flower; Social: -1
Yellow robot's goals  Physical: Tree; Social: -2

Physical goal estimation
(Level 1)
Social goal estimation
(Level 2)

Experiment Result for Scenario 3

Red robot's goals      Physical: Flower; Social: -0.5
Yellow robot's goals  Physical: Tree; Social: -2

Physical goal estimation
(Level 1)
Social goal estimation
(Level 2)

Experiment Result for Scenario 4

Red robot's goals      Physical: Flower; Social: 0
Yellow robot's goals  Physical: Tree; Social: -2

Physical goal estimation
(Level 1)
Social goal estimation
(Level 2)

Experiment Result for Scenario 5

Red robot's goals      Physical: Flower; Social: 0.5
Yellow robot's goals  Physical: Tree; Social: -2

Physical goal estimation
(Level 1)
Social goal estimation
(Level 2)

Experiment Result for Scenario 6

Red robot's goals      Physical: Flower; Social: 1
Yellow robot's goals  Physical: Tree; Social: -2

Physical goal estimation
(Level 1)
Social goal estimation
(Level 2)

Experiment Result for Scenario 7

Red robot's goals      Physical: Flower; Social: 2
Yellow robot's goals  Physical: Tree; Social: -2

Physical goal estimation
(Level 1)
Social goal estimation
(Level 2)

Experiment Result for Scenario 8

Red robot's goals      Physical: Flower; Social: -2
Yellow robot's goals  Physical: Tree; Social: -1

Physical goal estimation
(Level 1)
Social goal estimation
(Level 2)

Experiment Result for Scenario 9

Red robot's goals      Physical: Flower; Social: -1
Yellow robot's goals  Physical: Tree; Social: -1

Physical goal estimation
(Level 1)
Social goal estimation
(Level 2)

Experiment Result for Scenario 10

Red robot's goals      Physical: Flower; Social: -0.5
Yellow robot's goals  Physical: Tree; Social: -1

Physical goal estimation
(Level 1)
Social goal estimation
(Level 2)

Experiment Result for Scenario 11

Red robot's goals      Physical: Flower; Social: 0
Yellow robot's goals  Physical: Tree; Social: -1

Physical goal estimation
(Level 1)
Social goal estimation
(Level 2)

Experiment Result for Scenario 12

Red robot's goals      Physical: Flower; Social: 0.5
Yellow robot's goals  Physical: Tree; Social: -1

Physical goal estimation
(Level 1)
Social goal estimation
(Level 2)

Experiment Result for Scenario 13

Red robot's goals      Physical: Flower; Social: 1
Yellow robot's goals  Physical: Tree; Social: -1

Physical goal estimation
(Level 1)
Social goal estimation
(Level 2)

Experiment Result for Scenario 14

Red robot's goals      Physical: Flower; Social: 2
Yellow robot's goals  Physical: Tree; Social: -1

Physical goal estimation
(Level 1)
Social goal estimation
(Level 2)

Experiment Result for Scenario 15

Red robot's goals      Physical: Tree; Social: -2
Yellow robot's goals  Physical: Flower; Social: -0.5

Physical goal estimation
(Level 1)
Social goal estimation
(Level 2)

Experiment Result for Scenario 16

Red robot's goals      Physical: Flower; Social: -1
Yellow robot's goals  Physical: Tree; Social: -0.5

Physical goal estimation
(Level 1)
Social goal estimation
(Level 2)

Experiment Result for Scenario 17

Red robot's goals      Physical: Flower; Social: -0.5
Yellow robot's goals  Physical: Tree; Social: -0.5

Physical goal estimation
(Level 1)
Social goal estimation
(Level 2)

Experiment Result for Scenario 18

Red robot's goals      Physical: Flower; Social: 0
Yellow robot's goals  Physical: Tree; Social: -0.5

Physical goal estimation
(Level 1)
Social goal estimation
(Level 2)

Experiment Result for Scenario 19

Red robot's goals      Physical: Flower; Social: 0.5
Yellow robot's goals  Physical: Tree; Social: -0.5

Physical goal estimation
(Level 1)
Social goal estimation
(Level 2)

Experiment Result for Scenario 20

Red robot's goals      Physical: Flower; Social: 1
Yellow robot's goals  Physical: Tree; Social: -0.5

Physical goal estimation
(Level 1)
Social goal estimation
(Level 2)

Experiment Result for Scenario 21

Red robot's goals      Physical: Flower; Social: 2
Yellow robot's goals  Physical: Tree; Social: -0.5

Physical goal estimation
(Level 1)
Social goal estimation
(Level 2)

Experiment Result for Scenario 22

Red robot's goals      Physical: Flower; Social: -2
Yellow robot's goals  Physical: Tree; Social: 0

Physical goal estimation
(Level 1)
Social goal estimation
(Level 2)

Experiment Result for Scenario 23

Red robot's goals      Physical: Flower; Social: -1
Yellow robot's goals  Physical: Tree; Social: 0

Physical goal estimation
(Level 1)
Social goal estimation
(Level 2)

Experiment Result for Scenario 24

Red robot's goals      Physical: Flower; Social: -0.5
Yellow robot's goals  Physical: Tree; Social: 0

Physical goal estimation
(Level 1)
Social goal estimation
(Level 2)

Experiment Result for Scenario 25

Red robot's goals      Physical: Flower; Social: 0
Yellow robot's goals  Physical: Tree; Social: 0

Physical goal estimation
(Level 1)
Social goal estimation
(Level 2)

Experiment Result for Scenario 26

Red robot's goals      Physical: Flower; Social: 0.5
Yellow robot's goals  Physical: Tree; Social: 0

Physical goal estimation
(Level 1)
Social goal estimation
(Level 2)

Experiment Result for Scenario 27

Red robot's goals      Physical: Flower; Social: 1
Yellow robot's goals  Physical: Tree; Social: 0

Physical goal estimation
(Level 1)
Social goal estimation
(Level 2)

Experiment Result for Scenario 28

Red robot's goals      Physical: Flower; Social: 2
Yellow robot's goals  Physical: Tree; Social: 0

Physical goal estimation
(Level 1)
Social goal estimation
(Level 2)

Experiment Result for Scenario 29

Red robot's goals      Physical: Flower; Social: -2
Yellow robot's goals  Physical: Tree; Social: 0.5

Physical goal estimation
(Level 1)
Social goal estimation
(Level 2)

Experiment Result for Scenario 30

Red robot's goals      Physical: Flower; Social: -1
Yellow robot's goals  Physical: Tree; Social: 0.5

Physical goal estimation
(Level 1)
Social goal estimation
(Level 2)

Experiment Result for Scenario 31

Red robot's goals      Physical: Flower; Social: -0.5
Yellow robot's goals  Physical: Tree; Social: 0.5

Physical goal estimation
(Level 1)
Social goal estimation
(Level 2)

Experiment Result for Scenario 32

Red robot's goals      Physical: Flower; Social: 0
Yellow robot's goals  Physical: Tree; Social: 0.5

Physical goal estimation
(Level 1)
Social goal estimation
(Level 2)

Experiment Result for Scenario 33

Red robot's goals      Physical: Flower; Social: 0.5
Yellow robot's goals  Physical: Tree; Social: 0.5

Physical goal estimation
(Level 1)
Social goal estimation
(Level 2)

Experiment Result for Scenario 34

Red robot's goals      Physical: Flower; Social: 1
Yellow robot's goals  Physical: Tree; Social: 0.5

Physical goal estimation
(Level 1)
Social goal estimation
(Level 2)

Experiment Result for Scenario 35

Red robot's goals      Physical: Flower; Social: 2
Yellow robot's goals  Physical: Tree; Social: 0.5

Physical goal estimation
(Level 1)
Social goal estimation
(Level 2)

Experiment Result for Scenario 36

Red robot's goals      Physical: Flower; Social: -2
Yellow robot's goals  Physical: Tree; Social: 1

Physical goal estimation
(Level 1)
Social goal estimation
(Level 2)

Experiment Result for Scenario 37

Red robot's goals      Physical: Flower; Social: -1
Yellow robot's goals  Physical: Tree; Social: 1

Physical goal estimation
(Level 1)
Social goal estimation
(Level 2)

Experiment Result for Scenario 38

Red robot's goals      Physical: Flower; Social: -0.5
Yellow robot's goals  Physical: Tree; Social: 1

Physical goal estimation
(Level 1)
Social goal estimation
(Level 2)

Experiment Result for Scenario 39

Red robot's goals      Physical: Flower; Social: 0
Yellow robot's goals  Physical: Tree; Social: 1

Physical goal estimation
(Level 1)
Social goal estimation
(Level 2)

Experiment Result for Scenario 40

Red robot's goals      Physical: Flower; Social: 0.5
Yellow robot's goals  Physical: Tree; Social: 1

Physical goal estimation
(Level 1)
Social goal estimation
(Level 2)

Experiment Result for Scenario 41

Red robot's goals      Physical: Flower; Social: 1
Yellow robot's goals  Physical: Tree; Social: 1

Physical goal estimation
(Level 1)
Social goal estimation
(Level 2)

Experiment Result for Scenario 42

Red robot's goals      Physical: Flower; Social: 2
Yellow robot's goals  Physical: Tree; Social: 1

Physical goal estimation
(Level 1)
Social goal estimation
(Level 2)

Experiment Result for Scenario 43

Red robot's goals      Physical: Flower; Social: -2
Yellow robot's goals  Physical: Tree; Social: 2

Physical goal estimation
(Level 1)
Social goal estimation
(Level 2)

Experiment Result for Scenario 44

Red robot's goals      Physical: Flower; Social: -1
Yellow robot's goals  Physical: Tree; Social: 2

Physical goal estimation
(Level 1)
Social goal estimation
(Level 2)

Experiment Result for Scenario 45

Red robot's goals      Physical: Flower; Social: -0.5
Yellow robot's goals  Physical: Tree; Social: 2

Physical goal estimation
(Level 1)
Social goal estimation
(Level 2)

Experiment Result for Scenario 46

Red robot's goals      Physical: Flower; Social: 0
Yellow robot's goals  Physical: Tree; Social: 2

Physical goal estimation
(Level 1)
Social goal estimation
(Level 2)

Experiment Result for Scenario 47

Red robot's goals      Physical: Flower; Social: 0.5
Yellow robot's goals  Physical: Tree; Social: 2

Physical goal estimation
(Level 1)
Social goal estimation
(Level 2)

Experiment Result for Scenario 48

Red robot's goals      Physical: Flower; Social: 1
Yellow robot's goals  Physical: Tree; Social: 2

Physical goal estimation
(Level 1)
Social goal estimation
(Level 2)

Experiment Result for Scenario 49

Red robot's goals      Physical: Flower; Social: 2
Yellow robot's goals  Physical: Tree; Social: 2

Physical goal estimation
(Level 1)
Social goal estimation
(Level 2)

Experiment Result for Scenario 50

Red robot's goals      Physical: Tree; Social: -2
Yellow robot's goals  Physical: Tree; Social: -2

Physical goal estimation
(Level 1)
Social goal estimation
(Level 2)

Experiment Result for Scenario 51

Red robot's goals      Physical: Tree; Social: -1
Yellow robot's goals  Physical: Tree; Social: -2

Physical goal estimation
(Level 1)
Social goal estimation
(Level 2)

Experiment Result for Scenario 52

Red robot's goals      Physical: Tree; Social: -0.5
Yellow robot's goals  Physical: Tree; Social: -2

Physical goal estimation
(Level 1)
Social goal estimation
(Level 2)

Experiment Result for Scenario 53

Red robot's goals      Physical: Tree; Social: 0
Yellow robot's goals  Physical: Tree; Social: -2

Physical goal estimation
(Level 1)
Social goal estimation
(Level 2)

Experiment Result for Scenario 54

Red robot's goals      Physical: Tree; Social: 0.5
Yellow robot's goals  Physical: Tree; Social: -2

Physical goal estimation
(Level 1)
Social goal estimation
(Level 2)

Experiment Result for Scenario 55

Red robot's goals      Physical: Tree; Social: 1
Yellow robot's goals  Physical: Tree; Social: -2

Physical goal estimation
(Level 1)
Social goal estimation
(Level 2)

Experiment Result for Scenario 56

Red robot's goals      Physical: Tree; Social: 2
Yellow robot's goals  Physical: Tree; Social: -2

Physical goal estimation
(Level 1)
Social goal estimation
(Level 2)

Experiment Result for Scenario 57

Red robot's goals      Physical: Tree; Social: -2
Yellow robot's goals  Physical: Tree; Social: -1

Physical goal estimation
(Level 1)
Social goal estimation
(Level 2)

Experiment Result for Scenario 58

Red robot's goals      Physical: Tree; Social: -1
Yellow robot's goals  Physical: Tree; Social: -1

Physical goal estimation
(Level 1)
Social goal estimation
(Level 2)

Experiment Result for Scenario 59

Red robot's goals      Physical: Tree; Social: -0.5
Yellow robot's goals  Physical: Tree; Social: -1

Physical goal estimation
(Level 1)
Social goal estimation
(Level 2)

Experiment Result for Scenario 60

Red robot's goals      Physical: Tree; Social: 0
Yellow robot's goals  Physical: Tree; Social: -1

Physical goal estimation
(Level 1)
Social goal estimation
(Level 2)

Experiment Result for Scenario 61

Red robot's goals      Physical: Tree; Social: 0.5
Yellow robot's goals  Physical: Tree; Social: -1

Physical goal estimation
(Level 1)
Social goal estimation
(Level 2)

Experiment Result for Scenario 62

Red robot's goals      Physical: Tree; Social: 1
Yellow robot's goals  Physical: Tree; Social: -1

Physical goal estimation
(Level 1)
Social goal estimation
(Level 2)

Experiment Result for Scenario 63

Red robot's goals      Physical: Tree; Social: 2
Yellow robot's goals  Physical: Tree; Social: -1

Physical goal estimation
(Level 1)
Social goal estimation
(Level 2)

Experiment Result for Scenario 64

Red robot's goals      Physical: Tree; Social: -2
Yellow robot's goals  Physical: Tree; Social: -0.5

Physical goal estimation
(Level 1)
Social goal estimation
(Level 2)

Experiment Result for Scenario 65

Red robot's goals      Physical: Tree; Social: -1
Yellow robot's goals  Physical: Tree; Social: -0.5

Physical goal estimation
(Level 1)
Social goal estimation
(Level 2)

Experiment Result for Scenario 66

Red robot's goals      Physical: Tree; Social: -0.5
Yellow robot's goals  Physical: Tree; Social: -0.5

Physical goal estimation
(Level 1)
Social goal estimation
(Level 2)

Experiment Result for Scenario 67

Red robot's goals      Physical: Tree; Social: 0
Yellow robot's goals  Physical: Tree; Social: -0.5

Physical goal estimation
(Level 1)
Social goal estimation
(Level 2)

Experiment Result for Scenario 68

Red robot's goals      Physical: Tree; Social: 0.5
Yellow robot's goals  Physical: Tree; Social: -0.5

Physical goal estimation
(Level 1)
Social goal estimation
(Level 2)

Experiment Result for Scenario 69

Red robot's goals      Physical: Tree; Social: 1
Yellow robot's goals  Physical: Tree; Social: -0.5

Physical goal estimation
(Level 1)
Social goal estimation
(Level 2)

Experiment Result for Scenario 70

Red robot's goals      Physical: Tree; Social: 2
Yellow robot's goals  Physical: Tree; Social: -0.5

Physical goal estimation
(Level 1)
Social goal estimation
(Level 2)

Experiment Result for Scenario 71

Red robot's goals      Physical: Tree; Social: -2
Yellow robot's goals  Physical: Tree; Social: 0

Physical goal estimation
(Level 1)
Social goal estimation
(Level 2)

Experiment Result for Scenario 72

Red robot's goals      Physical: Tree; Social: -1
Yellow robot's goals  Physical: Tree; Social: 0

Physical goal estimation
(Level 1)
Social goal estimation
(Level 2)

Experiment Result for Scenario 73

Red robot's goals      Physical: Tree; Social: -0.5
Yellow robot's goals  Physical: Tree; Social: 0

Physical goal estimation
(Level 1)
Social goal estimation
(Level 2)

Experiment Result for Scenario 74

Red robot's goals      Physical: Tree; Social: 0
Yellow robot's goals  Physical: Tree; Social: 0

Physical goal estimation
(Level 1)
Social goal estimation
(Level 2)

Experiment Result for Scenario 75

Red robot's goals      Physical: Tree; Social: 0.5
Yellow robot's goals  Physical: Tree; Social: 0

Physical goal estimation
(Level 1)
Social goal estimation
(Level 2)

Experiment Result for Scenario 76

Red robot's goals      Physical: Tree; Social: 1
Yellow robot's goals  Physical: Tree; Social: 0

Physical goal estimation
(Level 1)
Social goal estimation
(Level 2)

Experiment Result for Scenario 77

Red robot's goals      Physical: Tree; Social: 2
Yellow robot's goals  Physical: Tree; Social: 0

Physical goal estimation
(Level 1)
Social goal estimation
(Level 2)

Experiment Result for Scenario 78

Red robot's goals      Physical: Tree; Social: -2
Yellow robot's goals  Physical: Tree; Social: 0.5

Physical goal estimation
(Level 1)
Social goal estimation
(Level 2)

Experiment Result for Scenario 79

Red robot's goals      Physical: Tree; Social: -1
Yellow robot's goals  Physical: Tree; Social: 0.5

Physical goal estimation
(Level 1)
Social goal estimation
(Level 2)

Experiment Result for Scenario 80

Red robot's goals      Physical: Tree; Social: -0.5
Yellow robot's goals  Physical: Tree; Social: 0.5

Physical goal estimation
(Level 1)
Social goal estimation
(Level 2)

Experiment Result for Scenario 81

Red robot's goals      Physical: Tree; Social: 0
Yellow robot's goals  Physical: Tree; Social: 0.5

Physical goal estimation
(Level 1)
Social goal estimation
(Level 2)

Experiment Result for Scenario 82

Red robot's goals      Physical: Tree; Social: 0.5
Yellow robot's goals  Physical: Tree; Social: 0.5

Physical goal estimation
(Level 1)
Social goal estimation
(Level 2)

Experiment Result for Scenario 83

Red robot's goals      Physical: Tree; Social: 1
Yellow robot's goals  Physical: Tree; Social: 0.5

Physical goal estimation
(Level 1)
Social goal estimation
(Level 2)

Experiment Result for Scenario 84

Red robot's goals      Physical: Tree; Social: 2
Yellow robot's goals  Physical: Tree; Social: 0.5

Physical goal estimation
(Level 1)
Social goal estimation
(Level 2)

Experiment Result for Scenario 85

Red robot's goals      Physical: Tree; Social: -2
Yellow robot's goals  Physical: Tree; Social: 1

Physical goal estimation
(Level 1)
Social goal estimation
(Level 2)

Experiment Result for Scenario 86

Red robot's goals      Physical: Tree; Social: -1
Yellow robot's goals  Physical: Tree; Social: 1

Physical goal estimation
(Level 1)
Social goal estimation
(Level 2)

Experiment Result for Scenario 87

Red robot's goals      Physical: Tree; Social: -0.5
Yellow robot's goals  Physical: Tree; Social: 1

Physical goal estimation
(Level 1)
Social goal estimation
(Level 2)

Experiment Result for Scenario 88

Red robot's goals      Physical: Tree; Social: 0
Yellow robot's goals  Physical: Tree; Social: 1

Physical goal estimation
(Level 1)
Social goal estimation
(Level 2)

Experiment Result for Scenario 89

Red robot's goals      Physical: Tree; Social: 0.5
Yellow robot's goals  Physical: Tree; Social: 1

Physical goal estimation
(Level 1)
Social goal estimation
(Level 2)

Experiment Result for Scenario 90

Red robot's goals      Physical: Tree; Social: 1
Yellow robot's goals  Physical: Tree; Social: 1

Physical goal estimation
(Level 1)
Social goal estimation
(Level 2)

Experiment Result for Scenario 91

Red robot's goals      Physical: Tree; Social: 2
Yellow robot's goals  Physical: Tree; Social: 1

Physical goal estimation
(Level 1)
Social goal estimation
(Level 2)

Experiment Result for Scenario 92

Red robot's goals      Physical: Tree; Social: -2
Yellow robot's goals  Physical: Tree; Social: 2

Physical goal estimation
(Level 1)
Social goal estimation
(Level 2)

Experiment Result for Scenario 93

Red robot's goals      Physical: Tree; Social: -1
Yellow robot's goals  Physical: Tree; Social: 2

Physical goal estimation
(Level 1)
Social goal estimation
(Level 2)

Experiment Result for Scenario 94

Red robot's goals      Physical: Tree; Social: -0.5
Yellow robot's goals  Physical: Tree; Social: 2

Physical goal estimation
(Level 1)
Social goal estimation
(Level 2)

Experiment Result for Scenario 95

Red robot's goals      Physical: Tree; Social: 0
Yellow robot's goals  Physical: Tree; Social: 2

Physical goal estimation
(Level 1)
Social goal estimation
(Level 2)

Experiment Result for Scenario 96

Red robot's goals      Physical: Tree; Social: 0.5
Yellow robot's goals  Physical: Tree; Social: 2

Physical goal estimation
(Level 1)
Social goal estimation
(Level 2)

Experiment Result for Scenario 97

Red robot's goals      Physical: Tree; Social: 1
Yellow robot's goals  Physical: Tree; Social: 2

Physical goal estimation
(Level 1)
Social goal estimation
(Level 2)

Experiment Result for Scenario 98

Red robot's goals      Physical: Tree; Social: 2
Yellow robot's goals  Physical: Tree; Social: 2

Physical goal estimation
(Level 1)
Social goal estimation
(Level 2)